Medinetz Ulm is a medical advice service and intermediary for people with no papers, no health insurance or no legal residence, refugees, and homeless people, any of whom have limited or no access to medical care in Germany.
We will put you into contact free of charge and anonymously with doctors who can perform the necessary treatment. We do not disclose any information to government authorities.
We also provide assistance to people who live outside of Ulm.
If you need medical assistance, please contact us:
+49 1577 0377991
Our open consultation hours are 18:30 – 20:00 every other Thursday. You do not need an appointment, you can simply turn up. You can find a list of the next available dates here:
Address of consultation service:
Medinetz Ulm e.V. (at the DRK homeless shelter)
Frauenstraße 123
89073 Ulm
The entrance to this service is in the building on the left-hand side of the German Red Cross (Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, DRK) main building.
You can also contact us to arrange an appointment outside of our usual hours.